Wednesday, February 25, 2015

28 adorable animals!










   which animal pic do you think is the cutest!

weird weekly

Todays weird weekly star is...the glass frog!

The glass frog is one of those bizarre and fascinating creatures in this world. Upon looking down at this amphibian, the first thing you might notice is its soft lime-green color. But if you were to turn him over, a quick glance at his abdomen would catch your attention. The glass frog’s stomach is completely transparent! Close examination of this unique creature reveals a fully visible system of organs, including the heart, liver, and full intestinal tract. Scientists believe that earlier frogs of this species evolved to have this trait for camouflage; while perched on a leaf or branch, they are extremely difficult to spot from a distance.These frogs are very small creatures, the smaller species are about 0.78 in (2 cm) on average, while the biggest they can get is the "giant" species males which can be 3 in (8 cm). Most could easily perch on the top of a matchbox. Different species can be found in Central and South American rain forests, usually in the canopy, far above the ground. They venture lower rarely, and when they do, it is mainly for breeding. Some glass frogs, however, make their home closer to the ground in the vegetation surrounding small forest streams.
The glass frog is a nocturnal creature. During the day, it spends most of its time sleeping in the thick rain forest vegetation. In the evening, however, they are very active, spending the majority of their time looking for food. Later at night and into the very early morning is their most active time for breeding.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


All about pigs!  

Image result for pig breeds

  • Pigs are intelligent animals.
  • Like humans, pigs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.
  • A pig’s snout is an important tool for finding food in the ground and sensing the world around them.
  • Pigs have an excellent sense of smell.
  • There are around 2 billion pigs in the world.
  • Humans farm pigs for meat such as pork, bacon and ham.
  • Some people like to keep pigs as pets.
  • Wild pigs (boar) are often hunted in the wild.
  • In some areas of the world, wild boars are the main source of food for tigers.
  • Feral pigs that have been introduced into new areas can be a threat to the local ecosystem.
  • Pigs can pass on a variety of diseases to humans.
  • Relative to their body size, pigs have small lungs.

The words pig, hog and swine are all generic terms without regard to gender, size or breed. A male pig is called a boar. A female pig is called a gilt if she hasn't had piglets yet and a sow if she has.Pigs originated from Eurasian Wild boars.
Pigs are very intelligent and learn quickly. They pick up tricks faster than dogs. Pigs rank #4 in animal intelligence behind chimpanzees, dolphins and elephants. Piglets learn their names by two to three weeks of age and respond when called.
Pigs are very social animals. They form close bonds with each other and other species. Pigs enjoy close contact and will lie close together when resting. Pigs use their grunts to communicate with each other.A sow can give birth to a litter containing 7 to 12 piglets, about twice a year. The gestation period of a sow is 114 days (3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days).
A baby pig, or piglet, weighs about 1.5 kilograms at birth and will double its weight in just 7 days.
Weaning occurs at three months of age, but young pigs continue to live with their mothers. Two or more sows usually join together in an extended family.
Pigs are very clean animals. They keep their toilets far from their living or eating area. Even piglets only a few hours old will leave the nest to relieve themselves.
Domestic pigs are rarely aggressive. The only exceptions are sows with a young litter and boars if provoked.Pigs are much more tolerant of cold than heat. Pigs have no sweat glands, so they can't sweat. They roll around in the mud to cool their skin. The layer of dried mud protects their skin from the sun. If available, pigs, who are great swimmers, prefer water to mud.
Some pigs have straight and some have curly tailsPigs have a great sense of smell. Their powerful but sensitive snout is a highly developed sense organ. Pigs also have a great field of vision, because their eyes are on the sides of their heads.
Pigs have four toes on each hoof, but only walk on two toes per foot.
A mature pig has 44 teeth.
A pig can run a 7 minute mile..

baby tapirs
Pigs grow fast!Fossils of tapir ancestors have been found on every continent except Antarctica. Tapirs even lived in Southern California about 10,000 years ago.
April, a Baird's tapir, is the National Animal of Belize. Also known as "the mountain cow," she lives at the Belize Zoo and her birthday is a national event.
In Indonesia, the word “badak” refers to both rhinos and tapirs.
In Thailand, “P'som-sett” is the name for tapir and it means "mixture is finished." This refers to the belief that the tapir was created from leftover parts of other animals.
The word tapir, translated from a Brazilian Indian language, means "thick," referring to the animal's tough hide.
Tapirs create trodden paths through the forest, often leading to reliable water sources. Human engineers sometimes exploit these paths to build roads.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

22 animals you probably didn't know of!
Aye aye,
Maned wolf,
Dumbo octopus,
Patagonian Mara,

Tufted deer,
Naked mole rat,
Irrawaddy dolphin,
The Gerenuk,
The Fossa,
Star-nosed mole,
Sunda Colugo,
Zebra Duiker,
Yeti crab,
Superb bird of paridise,
blob fish
Desert rain frog
Gobi jerboa
Japanese spider crab

And the Pink fairy Armididilo

Which animal do you think is the weidest,the creepeyest and even the cutest!